
Leaving Facebook for Google+ (And why Facebook is “Broken”)

September 23, 2011 Chilling_Silence Personal Rantings

Cross-posted to Google+: https://plus.google.com/107713928526758699946/posts/JGUnGXWGYsr~So I thought considering I’ve recently switched to using Google+ as my primary social network that I’d try using it as a blogging system as well. Makes sense seeing as most of the time my blogs are just rather long status updates, or tutorials on things. So, I’ve been angry with Facebook […]


0 Circles, facebook, Google, Mauricio Freitas, News Feed,

Inviting people to Google+ during the BETA phase

July 4, 2011 Chilling_Silence How-To's / Guides / Tech info

So you’ve heard about Google+, somebody has been kind enough to invite you, now you wanna get your mates in on the action? Awesome! Well, it’s not much fun using social networking if you don’t have any friends on there to be social with, so I’ll show you how to get a few friends on. This […]


1 Beta, facebook, Google, Invite, Plus,

On political opinions, ignorance and cowards

July 19, 2010 Chilling_Silence Personal Rantings

Warning: This is a completely personal post, my own thoughts and feelings, and largely digresses from the semi-professional tone of most of my others. There are also no pictures, sorry. Now, I’m an activist, and I’ll freely admit it. Not in the traditional poster-protester style, but I will gladly debate anything I feel I know […]


2 employment, facebook, mass-education, Opinions, Politics,

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